Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona

Privacy Policy

  1. The driver guarantees that the personal data provided are true and accurate, so that AMB will not be responsible for any incident arising from the inaccuracy or falsity of the information provided by users.
  2. The registration and use of the Taxistas AMB application involves the processing of personal data of cab drivers (contact email, licenses, vehicle data) and geolocation data necessary for the correct use of the application. For this reason it is reported - in accordance with the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights, that personal data, including those of geolocation at the time of the booking request, will be processed solely and exclusively for the management of the service of receiving requests for Taxi and communications related to the Picmi Taxi service to which it is registered.
  3. The Data Controller is the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona.
  4. User data may be communicated to IMET (Instituto Metropolitano del Taxi) to carry out the analysis of the service and the management of possible incidents reported.
  5. For the provision of the service for each Picmi service, a history associated with the driver will be recorded with the location and date of the location of the collection point and of the drivers drivers notified. This information may be retained for 3 years by legal obligation.
  6. When the driver starts his activity explicitly from the application, the position of the cab is sent periodically (approx. every 30 seconds). As for the server, only the last 4 positions of the driver are saved in order to be able to calculate the direction of traffic.
  7. In order to perform statistical data processing, the historical data of cab drivers locations, pick-up points, end of trips and origin-destination matrices are stored in an aggregated and anonymized form (unlinked to the driver or customer data).
  8. The legal authorization for the processing of your data is your express consent insofar as you register to the service mobility management and cab, insofar as they have to ensure the correct use of the service.
  9. In the event that you unsubscribe from the service or it is no longer provided, your data may be retained by legal obligation and the responsibilities arising from the provision of the service, for the maximum time defined by law. After this time the data will be destroyed.
  10. For more information about the treatment of your data you can consult AMB's privacy policy at www.amb.cat
  11. AMB Informació has implemented the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and integrity of your personal information during the use of the APP and the service. In this sense, the necessary security measures have been implemented according to the level of risk associated with the processing and the internationally recognized security standards, as well as the necessary legal measures to ensure that the processing of personal information internationally recognized, as well as the necessary legal measures to ensure that the processing of the user's personal information is carried out in an appropriate and secure manner.
  12. The user can exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation or portability of data by writing to Legal Services, Exercise of Rights, Área Metropolitana de Barcelona, c/ 62, n. 16-18 edificio En - Zona Franca 08040 Barcelona or by generic request at the electronic site at www.amb.cat